FAQs - Details


Why should I establish paternity?


Identity: It’s important to know who we are. Your child will benefit from the sense of belonging that comes from knowing both parents.


Birth Certificate: By law, if the father signs the paternity affidavit, the father’s name will be listed on the child’s birth certificate.

Financial: The law requires that both parents support their child. Establishing paternity is the first step in making plans, which can be monitored by the courts, to provide the financial support that your child will need in a way that is fair to both parents.

Benefits: Your child has the right to other possible benefits from both parents. Many of these will be denied to your child if legal paternity is not established. Some of these benefits may include Social Security from a deceased or disabled parent, inheritance rights, veteran’s benefits, and life insurance.

Medical: A child needs to know if he or she may have inherited any special health problems from either side of the family. Also, it might be possible to obtain medical insurance through a parent’s employer, union, or military service.

Relationships: Both parents have a right to establish a healthy relationship to care for their son or daughter. Making the relationship legal provides a greater opportunity for this to take place and ensures your right to pursue a relationship with your child.

Name: If the father is not married to the mother at the time of the child’s birth, the State is required to register the child with the mother’s last name unless paternity is established by an affidavit.